Amanda moved to Canmore when she was 17 years old to pursue her first love, that being cross-country skiing. This wonderful town became her home and with its support she was able to represent Canada in two Olympic games. Following her athletic career she married her best friend/teammate and enrolled in the Canadian Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Calgary Alberta. This intensive four-year program taught her the intricacies of the human body and how to harness and amplify our body’s own natural healing processes. She is very interested in helping with pain management and preventive medicine. The Bow Valley is an incredible place and she wants to help everyone enjoy it to its fullest!
Whatever the diagnosis may be, she is comfortable using all forms of traditional Chinese medicine to alleviate the issue. Amanda believes that in order to properly diagnose it’s important to understand all aspects of a person’s life.
What do you do when you aren’t practicing?
Amanda spends every minute of her spare time exploring this amazing valley. Long trail runs, mountain biking, fishing, cross-country skiing, anything that allows her to get out the door and see what the mountains have to offer.
What made you decided to become a Traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor?
Amanda started the program wanting to help people be the best versions of themselves. What kept her interested and arose her curiosity was the way that TCM provides a natural way to solve the complex problems the body presents us with. She loves how it takes into account all aspects of a person’s life to arrive at a diagnosis, treating the cause rather then the symptom.