Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Insomnia
Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Insomnia
Having trouble sleeping? Trying to catch more Z’s? Frustrated with staring at the ceiling at 3am? Fortunately Acupuncture can help! There are many many MANY reasons why restful sleep can evade us. Stress, hormonal factors, physical injuries, diet, time of exercise, or just having a mind that likes to analyze every minute detail of existence, can all greatly impact our sleep. So how can we change these things? Well, it’s all about communication. Communication within our nervous system, communication within the endocrine system (yay hormones!), and communication with our environment in the form of our stress response. One of the reasons I love Acupuncture so much, is that it harnesses and optimizes our body’s vast communication network. When messages get thru, amazzzzzzzzzing things can happen – (emphasis on those Z’s!)…. sorry…..I’m a newish Dad and I’m trying to get my bad Dad Jokes game going.
Anyway! Sleep is incredibly important. Sleep is when our body repairs and recharges. We know that, yet most who struggle with sleep, often just make it their new normal, adapting and making the best of it. If you are one of those types, that is very valiant of you, but its still worth asking the question- how amazing would I feel, and what could I accomplish if I actually slept thru the night? I’d like to help you answer that question.
So, what else can you do to help your sleep? There are a few helpful habits with respect to diet and screen time before bed, that can certainly help. Likewise, there are a few short breathing exercises that can nudge your nervous system towards sleep mode. Sometimes even the position of your bed can be a factor (crazy but true!). These are all things we’ll go thru when you come in. In the meantime, just ask yourself what it would be like to sleep better than you have before!
See you soon!
Dr. Stefan Rabnett
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