C-Section Scar Work
We are looking for a few volunteers who have had a C-section within the last Year or 2.
Tuesday Aug 30th We need a few volunteers between 10 am and 11am. We are also looking volunteers for other future dates for Practice.
In the past we have hired Linda Hickey from Calgary Maternity Massage who specializes in Prenatal and Postnatal Massage to come to the clinic and teach ALL of our therapists C-Section scar tissue work.
We have currently been working with many Mom’s who have had C-sections and have found massaging the scar has dramatically improved the healing of the scar. One of the biggest things we have noticed is awareness, many Mom’s have no idea that there is a lot you can do for your scar and your recovery post C-section.
In 2014 I (Vanessa) had a C-section. During my recovery I wanted to know what would be the best for me to heal and allow me to get back to exercise and normal life again. A physiotherapist friend of mine Danielle Kaine from Rundle Physiotherapy (whom had 2 c-sections of her own) said the biggest regret she had post c-sections was that she didn’t get her scar worked on within a year. So taking her advice I had a series of treatments focused on my c-section scar. Nathalie Trottier an Osteopath at Consensio Clinic was an integral part of my scar work. Within 2 treatments my scar had loosened up, the pain had decreased and I was on my way to being able to start (moderate) exercise again.
The Goal:
All of our Therapists have participated in extensive continuing education for Prenatal Massage. We have focused a lot of time into training our therapist to treat the pregnant body. So we thought it was appropriate to continue our level of care for our clients after the baby is born.
I had a c-section for my twins Jan 24/15 at the Foothills in Calgary. Would have loved to have started this and been aware of the importance and benefits of the massage. Kinda just did my own research at the time after a friend let me know about it, but would love to see what you do. Hospitals should really provide followup information for c-section mamas.
I’m available. I had my most recent c-section March 25, 2016
Hello, I’m deeply interested in volunteering for this coarse. I presume I would fall under the category of future volunteer, however, because I am currently 8 months pregnant with my second little one. My first born was a cesarian and due to the short recovery time between the two pregnancies (19months) our second will also be a scheduled cesarian. I was lucky enough to do approximately four months of scar work after my first section. I definitely understand the benefits and would love the opportunity to also work on the scar that will be left after two. Please feel free to contact me with any info. Thank you,
Charlene Barras
Interested in volunteering – I’m about to go in for my second c-section. My first c-section was Feb 2018 and I had no idea that there was a scar massage option out there. The healing on the previous scar was pretty good – although I did get infected on one side of the scar (due to my baby having an extremely large head and the incision not being large enough at the time of the surgery).
I’m going in for my second c-section in July (currently schedule July 22nd but due to another large baby this probably will be pushed up in terms of timing).
Is this too close to the August 30th date? When can I start scar massaging?
Hi Darcy,
Sorry I just saw this comment on our website now.
Hope your c-section went well and you and baby are on the mend.
Email me if you are interested in being a volunteer from training with our newer staff for scar tissue work.
I recommend apox 3 months post surgery to start. You can email me directly at vanessa@backatitwellness.com