Have you tried Electro- Acupuncture?
Electro- Acupuncture involves gently adding micro-amps of current, in several different frequencies, to Acupuncture points. And quite frankly, I absolutely love this modality. It’s fun, and the results speak for themselves.
So what specifically is it doing? Well, several things, depending on the frequency being used. One of my favourite forms of Electro-Acupuncture (or electro-stim for short), incorporates motor points, which are acupuncture points located in and around the neuromuscular junction of major muscles. We hook the pins up to a device, and pulse away! The result is akin to a deep deep massage. Muscles are relaxed, muscle fibres get in sync, and in essence the whole muscle is reset. I have used this technique to loosen muscles and enhance performance on professional and weekend athletes alike, at it never ceases to amaze me the effects it has.
Another form of Electro- Acupuncture uses a different frequency, and this type works wonderfully for pain and inflammation. Here, the muscles don’t contract as they do in the previous type. Instead, patients feel a gentle pulsing that can be amplified or lessened depending on the situation. Disc bulges, arthritis, and tendinopathies all generally respond incredibly well to this type of Electro-stim. This gentle electrical current can reduce inflammation, block pain receptors, and help the tissues and cells maximize nutrition and regeneration in the effected area.
Electricity has actually been used in medicine for centuries. And it was coupled with Acupuncture in the 1950s in an effort to enhance the anesthetic effect for surgery, lessening the need for large doses for certain patients. It then expanded to dentistry as a way to block pain signals while dental work was being done. With electricity applied, certain areas of the body were shown to have analgesic effects on surrounding tissues and structures, and these areas correlated to the traditional Acupuncture points that have been used for thousands of years. In fact, the more we discover about the human body, the more we see its electromagnetic nature. Acupuncture points and meridians reflect this, and perhaps create a network for this electromagnetic information to travel. To me, this is one reason why Electro-Acupuncture can be so effective.
If you haven’t tried it, I invite you to give it a go! Maybe getting a little amped will be good for you 🙂
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