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Acupuncture Canmore

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Insomnia

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Insomnia

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Insomnia Having trouble sleeping? Trying to catch more Z’s? Frustrated with staring at the ceiling at 3am? Fortunately Acupuncture can help! There are many many MANY reasons why restful sleep can evade us. Stress, hormonal factors, physical injuries, diet, time of exercise, or just having…

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Practitioner demonstrating cupping treatment

Cupping Treatments

CUPPING Cupping is an ancient medical treatment that has long been practiced widely throughout the world including Asia, Egypt, the Middle East, Africa and Europe. Cups in varying sizes and material are placed on the body via the traditional fire method and/or more modern methods. The suction of the cups…

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