@#!% PMS.
PMS does NOT have to make a monthly appearance.
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) are reoccurring signs and symptoms that develop during the late stages of your menstrual cycle. There is no one exact reason why PMS occurs. PMS symptoms can be influenced by hormones, neurotransmitters, inflammation, nutritional deficiencies, and of course stress!
Basic tips that can help so that PMS does NOT have to make a monthly appearance.
(1) Heat Pack – several studies have shown that a heat pack applied to the lower abdomen during PMS cramps works more effectively than pain relief medication for menstrual cramp relief, and with less side effects!
(2) Foods to Eat and Why:
Tryptophan Rich Foods– tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin and a depletion of tryptophan has been shown to increase aggression in women before menses. Add in tryptophan rich-foods like turkey, pumpkin seed, sesame seeds, and legumes to help support mood swings during PMS times.
Fruit- Sugar cravings are common during PMS. Swap processed sugars for natural sugars to give your body the nutrients your system needs. I know swapping ice cream for an apple is a tough sell but I am suggesting we start with swapping in chocolate covered strawberries for chocolate covered chocolate 🙂
Vegetables (but of course!) – Again, carbohydrate rich foods are common to crave around your period. Fuel up with carby vegetables like sweet potatoes, squash, and beets to avoid the guilty cookie hangover. Let’s start with a compromise and add in something like beet-brownies or zucchini bread to your snacking routine. Beet the PMS (haha).
(3) An Emotional Roller Coaster – emotional fluctuations throughout the menstrual cycle are normal. The luteal phase (right before you menstruate) allows time for reflection and creative stimulation. However, is your creativity turning into criticism? Emotional PMS symptoms are more pronounced in women who deny themselves time to process their emotions and reflect. Let your creative juices flow! Aim for constructive creative expression like drawing, dancing, doing karate in the garage, or whatever floats your expressive boat.
See Dr. Jess to help navigate your personal PMS symptoms.
Read More HERE about Naturopathic Medicine
References: http://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-34303-z, Clinical Naturopathic Medicine by Leah Hechtman
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