Festifvus for the Rest of Us
December 18, 1997 a Seinfeld episode introduced North America to a new holiday Festivus. George Kastanza’s father Frank Kastanza invented his own holiday. No religious connection and includes everyone. No tree but a pole, no gifts except giving things that you know the person receiving won’t appreciate, ie used chapstick Airing of…
Exercise makes you happy
According to this website regular physical activity: helps the circulatory system deliver oxygen and nutrients around the body helps the removal of toxins and waste products from your body improves the condition of your skin reduces the rate of bone loss, the risk of heart disease, hypertension (high blood…
Tevas for Diva’s
This blog post is directly from The Consumerist Teva sandals are no longer for granola-crunching outdoors types. Now the fashion-conscious adventurer can go straight from the rugged rocks to the black-tie fundraiser without missing a beat. The heels, an ungodly creation of Teva and NY-based clothing company Grey Ant, are…
Great Book
Just bought a sweet book that I think will make an excellent Xmas present. Its called Heading Outdoors Eventually Leads Within Thoughts Inspired by 30 000 miles on the Trail by Kathy and Craig Copeland. Its their new book, filled with amazing photos and inspirational thoughts “The wisdom we glean from…
We all know how to foam roll the ITB (Iliotibial Band) and stretch it, but do you know what your TFL is and how it is related to the ITB? The Tensor Fasciae Latae muscle (TFL) attaches on the anterior iliac crest and inserts into the Iliotibial Band (ITB). Its action abducts the thigh and assists with internal rotation…