Giving Yoga A Chance
I’ve been in Mexico for two weeks now doing lots of kite boarding and enjoying the sun. I have also decided to give yoga a chance. I’ve been to lots of yoga classes in the past, but have never done it 3-4 times a week. Since I’m here on vacation I’ve signed up for a months worth of yoga.
When I go to a yoga class I’m usually one of the most inflexible. I know I know its not about anyone else but you, but come on as if you dont have a look around at other people! I’ve had a hard time with yoga, I shake and quiver, I hold my breath and I get discouraged. This trip its all about me improving my yoga and figuring out what works for my body. So far I’ve been to 6 classes down here, and loving it! And I’ve noticed improvements already.
There are some very basic poses that are so easy and feel so good on the low back.
Cow Pose
On an inhale:
1. Curl the toes under.
2. Drop the belly.
3. Take the gaze up toward the ceiling.
4. Let the movement in the spine start from the tailbone, so that that neck is the last part to move.
Cat Pose
On the next exhale:1. Release the tops of the feet to the floor.
2. Round the spine.
3. Drop the head.
4. Take the gaze to the navel.
5. Repeat the Cat – Cow Stretch on each inhale and exhale, matching the movement to your own breath.
6. Continue for 5-10 breaths, moving the whole spine. After your final exhale, come back to a neutral spine.
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