We all know how to foam roll the ITB (Iliotibial Band) and stretch it, but do you know what your TFL is and how it is related to the ITB?
The Tensor Fasciae Latae muscle (TFL) attaches on the anterior iliac crest and inserts into the Iliotibial Band (ITB). Its action abducts the thigh and assists with internal rotation and flexion.
The Tensor Fascia Lata tends to over work and tire out with walking and running, as it assists with hip flexion. Reasons for this can be due weakness in other muscles that aid in flexion and external rotation. Problems that can arise are ITB tightness and or knee pain from Iliotibial band friction and collapsing of the knee medially because of fatigue or weakness of hip external rotators.
A great way to work on releasing the TFL is to use a ball (tennis ball, lacrosse ball, or your dog’s ball)
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